I don't Knew


According to the Quran, there is no such concept as a ‘punishment in the grave’. This is a concept
completely alien and unsupported by the Quran. This concept is found primarily (with all its details)
in Islamic secondary sources.
From a Quran's perspective, the evidence seems overwhelming that at the point of death, one will
become aware of the ‘truth’. Then one will enter ‘Barzakh’, a quintessential state of ‘sleep’ where all
concept of time will be lost. When one finally awakes, they will be confronting the Day of Judgment.
The time lapse will feel as if one had only slept for a small part of the day when in truth, they would
have tarried all the way to the Day of Judgment.
Before we take a look at the verses, an immediate question should arise:
What would be the purpose of an appointed Day of Judgment if after death, one were to receive
their punishment in their graves before the trial had even taken place?
Conviction before trial is not a concept of justice and God is the most Just. In effect, this would
render the Day of Judgment meaningless, a fundamental belief posited by the Quran underscored by
numerous Surahs and verses. God repeatedly informs His creation that He will never be unjust to his
slaves and not an atom's weight of injustice will take place. All actions will be recorded in a clear
record (10:61; 34:3; 99:7-8; 4:40)
Furthermore, we note the following from the Quran.

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